There’s little doubt that the penis is the most important thing in the world, at least most men think so. We expend huge amounts of energy wondering about them and making them feel good, or trying to. And with selfies, it’s never been easier to share your meat with anyone who wants to see it, getting you compliments and maybe dates.
But many of us aren’t content just to snap a pic of our Johnson, we like to provide a point of reference using everything from Pepsi cans to shampoo bottles, and all kinds of other everyday items.
Why not just use a ruler? They take the guess work out of it, but a ruler just isn’t as impressive — or fun — as a sliding a beer bottle beside your hard-on. So, if you’re going to use an object to size up your penis, here are some suggestions.
It’s not a good idea to pick an object that is already varied and vague in size. A lot of guys line up their dicks beside a television remote control, which can seem impressive, but I have three remote controls ranging from 5.5 to 9 inches long. Isn’t that already the range of most dicks?
Cans of shaving cream are another popular comparison item, but again, there are short cans and very tall ones, so which is yours? And if you’re using a can or bottle of anything, you’ll want to make sure that it’s universally recognized. That cock beside the can of Rexona Men looks impressive, but I’m Canadian and I’ve never heard of Rexona. And even after googling it, I now know that it’s a top brand of deodorant in Europe, but I don’t know how big the can is.
You’re best to stick with well-known items. Everyone knows how big a hot dog bun is and we use toilet paper everyday, so the inside roll is certainly a good frame of reference — even impressive if your thick cock rips it apart. A Pringles can? Maybe, but do they have Pringles in Poland or Argentina? Soda cans are a good one because Coke and Pepsi are everywhere, and just so you know, the cans are about five inches tall.
Beer bottles aren’t bad, but there is some variety in height and shape. I’ve also seen guys lining up American quarters along the top side of their erect penis, which is great if you know how big a quarter is. And if you don’t, it’s almost an inch, so the guy with nine of them on his cock is packing a pretty big dick, although truthfully, it looks like he’s squeezed an extra quarter on there.
If you want to show us how big your dick really is, just put a ruler on it. The great thing about measuring tapes and rulers is that they usually display both Imperial and metric measurements, so you don’t have to convert in your head. But while more accurate, they’re not as fun as showing the world your cock is beer-can thick. And the other problem with rulers is that most guys don’t know how to use them when it comes to measuring their cocks. But that’s another article.