Do you recognise this Staxus boy?

I’ll be perfectly honest with you: Most likely, I wouldn’t be able to identify the handsome young boy who is dressed up as a drag queen here. But that’s part of the game, isn’t it?

The boy we search has shot four scenes for in 2018 – way too few if you ask me! However, all his scenes received excellent votes and with a model rating of 4,8 / 5 he was one of our most popular boys.

He told us that dressing up like a drag queen is an essential part of his life, and that he loves to use a lot of make up and to visit straight bars, where he tricks straight guys who think he’s a real woman!

Can you imagine their faces when this „woman“ starts talking with a manly voice and thus turns out to be a man with one of the most beautiful butts we’ve ever watched getting fucked and one of the most wonderful cocks we ever had the chance to see cumming?

Okay, I admit it, I’ve got a crush on him ;)

But hey, it’s not me we are talking about, it’s ….?

Yeah… Who actually is this boy?  Do you recognise him?

I have to say I am deeply impressed by his talent to completely change his looks, and I am sure you’ll not be less impressed when we will tell you in some days who this handsome „lady“ is in real life.

Don’t be shy – let us know your thoughts and leave a comment here on the blog!