We’re not sure if you noticed, but there was one thing distinctly lacking in Thursday’s terrific encounter between Colin Horner and Jimmy Jefferson at www.staxus.com …
Yes, that’s right – pubic hair!
Now considering the fact that the likes of Wilkinson Sword tell us that it’s women who are distinctly more inclined to shave where the sun doesn’t shine, the fact that we’ve enjoyed a gay porn scene where there isn’t so much as a pubic hair in sight might come as something of a surprise.
In reality, however, it’s a trend we’ve seen at STAXUS for some time – and there’s no indication that it’s going to change anytime soon.
So what are your thoughts? Unfortunately, what we’re seeing here is a matter of social change – over which STAXUS has little influence! – but do you yearn back to the earlier days, when boys like Caleb Moreton, Alex Stevens and Thomas Dyk appeared neatly trimmed? Or is today’s increasingly totally shaved look doing it for you much more?