Created by legendary STAXUS director John Smith, this epic series of encounters between some of the most stunning young performers takes place in a world torn apart by tribal warfare, where battles rage in the forests and on the hills and warriors fight for survival.
But among the violence and savagery there are still opportunities to find love, satisfy lust, and potentially build bridges between the two tribes…
STAXUS favorites Charlie Keller, Ron Negba and Orri Gaul welcome new stars Lior Hod and Abir Tevel in this incredible series of encounters, with some familiar faces providing supporting roles.
The sumptuous look and feel of Refugee is certain to impress while igniting your passion and satisfying your craving for incredible sex between gorgeous young stars.
STAXUS has gone all-out in the production of this incredible movie, with some of the most elaborate costumes and the most beautiful cinematography providing a perfect backdrop to the bareback boner plunging scenarios our characters find themselves in.
With four amazing scenes of glorious butt-pounding sex between some of the most adored boys, and some great new arrivals too, the Refugee movie is going to have you all coming back for more with each scene.
Check out the trailer and make sure you stick around on the blog for each scene as it’s released, scene one is coming tomorrow, and be one of the first to get the new DVD from HomoActive!
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