Some days ago I told you about Thomas South and his little „handicap“ while shooting the actual scene of „Fire me up“.

That fact that noone regcognised this handicap is proof of his skills and his will to deliver a good show for all of you – and if you ask me he was fantastic!

In his scene with Johny Cherry he had a serious teeth problem. When he walked into John Smith´s studio his one side of the face was bigger than the other! When you take a close look at the scene again – or a the pics I attached – you will see his right cheek looks a little bit swollen.

last-training-02 last-training-10 last-training-11

John told him that it actually wouldn´t be a problem to postpone the shooting for some days, but Thomas wanted to fuck Johny now and not in ten days! He had saved his cum for quite some time and mentioned that it would be a „waste“ not to release it now.

Well… anyone who has scene his cumshot at the end can testify he saved a LOT of cum for his fans ;)

So Johny and Thomas started their scene together, everything was quite fine – but in the end, after one day of shooting, his teeth hurted so much he couldn´t even speak anymore!

Everyone on the set felt sorry about him – and the fact that the temperature of the cellar was just round about 14-15° C didn´t make the life easier for the two guys. After all, they had to fuck naked the whole time!

Oh, those lucky men behind the cameras who were able to record the sex scene fully clothed – but imagine lying there on the ground, fucking only on a think blanket… brrrrr :)

I bow my head to Johny Cherry – and Thomas South in particular – who put up a great performance under difficult circumstances!

Check out their scene on if you haven´t already – and stay tuned for more backstage infos on current productions!

Oh Thomas, what a great guy you are!