If male beauty pageant winners are going to start looking like this, I’m all for having more contests. In Lima, Peru in September, Spanish soldier Ruben Lopez won the title Mr. Universo Mundial 2014. Lopez beat out participants from around the word, including runner up Elvis Munis from Brazil, and was crowned by last year’s Mr. Universe World 2013, Christopher Gutierrez of Puerto Rico.

Lopez is 22 years old and was born in Navas de San Juan, Spain, a small town of 5,000 inhabitants located south of Madrid. He joined the Spanish Army in 2011 and he’s currently positioned at the El Goloso military base in Madrid where he works in the telecommunications section. He’s also studying at university and working on his degree in physical education. Lopez sure is a busy man, I hope he has some time for fun.
Also not surprising is that he won the “Beauty of Spain” contest last year. And Lopez has been working in the fashion industry since he was 14 years old, and even with his busy work and university schedules, he still finds time to work as a model.

Whether he’s wearing his military uniform, sports gear, an elegant suit, or bare chested, Lopez is one sexy hunk