How many of us have fantasised about being given the chance to travel to Prague to fuck their favourite models? Of course, for the vast majority of us there’s not the slightest chance of that happening – we’re unlikely to be under 25 years of age, after all! – but for young Spanish kid, Ken Rollins, it really is a dream that has come true.

Then again, of course, fortune always favours not just the brave, but the handsome; and there’s simply no denying the fact that, when it comes to the looks department, young Ken is most definitely at the front of the queue. I mean for fuck’s sake, what is there not to like about the guy?

Certainly Beno Eker shows no signs of revulsion when the two are teamed up together in today’s fantastic scene at; and we’ve absolutely no doubt that this proud little fucker is gonna further embed himself into our fans’ affections as a result of this terrific set-piece.

So what the hell are you waiting for? Head to Europe’s number one gay twink website right now and get ready to unload to another potential hardcore classic. Believe us, these gorgeous boys warrant nothing less!