I thought I should talk about something on the blog that some of the STAXUS members have mentioned in the video comments, regarding the use of condoms.
There’s some concern that the site might be moving away from bareback sex between their boys and bringing in condoms. You really don’t need to worry about this.
The use of condoms in gay porn is a touchy subject for some, I understand that. There was a time when almost all gay porn being made involved the use of condoms, and that was perhaps appropriate for the time. Education, testing, and treatment were all still quite inadequate and social attitudes were far different.
For many years Staxus has been delivering bareback scenes for the fans and that’s continuing. The only reason we are seeing condoms in some scenes at the moment is because these were filmed in a different time, or under different circumstances.
For example, many of the remastered videos were filmed when bareback videos were not being made, and other videos like the recent arrival with Bjorn Nykvist and Luke Volta, might have been filmed under different circumstances where the usual process for models and scenes wasn’t necessary.
Rest assured that Staxus is going to continue to deliver great bareback twink porn with your favorite stars, but you’ll also occasionally see condoms being used in older videos or those where the filming circumstances or choices of the models required something different.
Either way, condom or not, the action is always amazing and the boys are always awesome to watch :)