I remember enjoying sexy young twink Brian Brower back in the mid 00’s, he was one of those boys I was always looking for more of and I don’t think I’m alone in that. When it comes to twinks playing the gay skater boy no one did it better than this young man, in my opinion.

This is one of those classic videos which definitely deserved to be remastered for the fans to enjoy once again.

Apparently, Don Colin couldn’t wait to get on set and suck on that handsome boy’s cock. I totally understand that though, Brian has a delicious looking dick that I think any one of us would love to worship in a good long session. I don’t want to give away too much just yet, but rest assured these boys know how to work another lad’s dick!

Fans of anal play will really love the sight of Don getting his pucker fingered and toyed with prior to it being stuffed with Brian’s naked shaft.

If you never saw either of these boys the first time around then be prepared to be impressed, and be prepared to start wishing they were still here and sharing their dicks with all our new boys on the site too. Can you imagine seeing this gay skater boy fucking the cum out of Ray Mannix or Titus Snow?

Check out the trailer and some of the pics, make sure you’re back here tomorrow for the video :)

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Gay skater boys Don Colin & Brian Brower 1 Gay skater boys Don Colin & Brian Brower 2 Gay skater boys Don Colin & Brian Brower 3 Gay skater boys Don Colin & Brian Brower 4