I’ve learned from my time here with you lovely (horny) people that some hot and messy twink piss porn is really appreciated by a lot of you. We’ve seen some great splashing sessions over the last few years and although we haven’t had a whole lot of it in the last few months we’re about to get a very wet and very drenching session of horny action with gorgeous Titus Snow and new boy Andy Scott too!

Likewise, I know there’s also going to be a few of you for whom pissing does nothing, but rest assured that splashing around isn’t all this new video is about. When you have boys like Titus and Andy together you can be pretty sure that there’s going to be a whole lot of greedy cock sucking and hardcore butt stuffing going on too.

I can confirm that this is the case. I just watched the video and the way these boys share their dicks and take it all the way with some anally penetrating fun there’s no chance in hell the non-piss fans will be able to stop themselves from wanking off over it.

I’m really looking forward to seeing more from Andy after this, too. The boy is a sexy young man with a great cock and a messy cum shot, and he really gets into the scene right from the start. This boy is a new talent I know a lot of you guys will want more of too.

Check out the trailer and some pics, I would recommend clicking through and signing up in preparation of this video arriving tomorrow!

[jwplayer player=”2″ mediaid=”24631″]


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