Well, that was a fun little game, wasn’t it? We have a winner, STAXUS blog reader Chris was the first to comment correctly and find the cheeky little Christmas elf in one of the photos. Eagle-eyed readers might have noticed that the elf in question looked remarkably like Ray Mannix!

STAXUS Elf 1I might not be great at Photoshop, but I think it’s a passable effort nonetheless.

So, what does Chris win? He gets to browse through our massive selection of STAXUS hardcore DVD’s and pick one out, for free. That’s not a bad prize just for being the first to find a little elf in a photo, and leave a comment.

He was presumably on the blog ready to refresh at exactly 5pm (GMT), his comment appeared within one minute of the post going live. Cheeky little Ray wasn’t so hard to find I guess.

Hmm, maybe I’ll have to try harder to hide that little elf next weekend :)

Don’t forget, we’ll be hiding a cute little elf in a pic every Sunday up until Christmas, just make sure you’re here (or on the German STAXUS blog) to find him and leave a comment. If you’re the first one to correctly locate him and tell us the color of his hat you’ll be getting an email and the chance to pick out your own DVD from our massive collection.

Well done Chris, enjoy your DVD!

Also, don’t forget that we’ll also have something else to give away in December, along with a STAXUS DVD every weekend. Stay tuned to the blog for more information about that and be ready to get involved :)