Most of you will have noticed that we’ve seen some truly great gay massage porn arriving on the Staxus site over the last couple of weeks, and I’m hoping there’s going to be some more to come after this one too. This is the latest in the theme and it’s a hot session of stiff dicked fun with new boys Adrian Smallwood and Sig Sinclair.
I was actually hoping we would get to see these two boys teamed up together, and the guys definitely did it right with this one by the looks of these horny images. You can check out the rest of the gallery on the site already, but I’m sharing some of the hottest photos from the shoot to get you all wanking and revved up for the arrival of the scene.
Sig Sinclair has already proven himself to be a quite horny bottom ready to put on a great show and take some big dicks in his ass, and he gets more of what he needs from Adrian in this video. What starts as a rub down and some dick play soon becomes a rampant fuck, with Sig getting that impressive tool inside him for a very special kind of massage.
According to the short description on the site, Sig gets a hot cum facial at the end of this gay massage porn scene too, and as a fan of messy cum loads I’m looking forward to that especially ;)