Yeah, you might have noticed that the Staxus Blog was down for a long time yesterday. I came here to tell you all about the new scene on the Staxus site and share some great pics with you, and I found that it was off-line. It seems that there was an issue with the server that needed some attention, and it was only the blog that was down. The Staxus site itself was still up, so we got the chance to enjoy the new video.
I know the guys in the office are always looking at ways to make sure that everything stays up and running for the fans all the time, so I know they were pulling their hair out yesterday trying to work out what went wrong. They do work so hard, bless em!
But we’re back now, and the guys are still looking into putting in place some measures to make sure that it doesn’t happen again. I guess there will always be little things that are out of their control, and they do a great job of making sure things come back on-line on the rare occasions that something goes a little loopy.
Well done to the guys at Staxus for working so hard. I think I speak for all when I say that we really appreciate all the hard work they put in to creating such a great site.
Stay tuned for some hot photos of the latest action, and our weekly recap too!